24 March 2010

Q2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 1 answered in last previous posts!


Question 2:

Line of Hazard is a action/thriller film which I made targeting teenagers and mainly boys. Bear in mind it’s only 2 minute of beginning of the film but I can say It doesn’t have audience from a specific class. there are some stereotype people in the film who i chose on purpose. E.g. the black guy is the criminal and he kills someone in the beginning of the film, at the same time i tried to dress him somehow so he looks posh and high class.

His role was very similar to all the mafia films and films which contain kidnapping scenes and there’s always a boss who decides who to kill and who stays alive. For example in Rockn Rolla, Tom Wilkinson played as Lenny Cole who was the boss.

The way they are both wearing suits and expensive clothes makes the audience think he is the person who’s in charge. Now days, film makers try to not be so stereotypical about race and we’ve seen in newer films that the criminal or the baddie it is changed where in old movies, they were always from different backgrounds. I believe Morgan Freeman played in some movies as the bad guy but now race doesn’t matter and film makers focus on mise en scène more in order to show the audience how characters are and to show their personality. Although I used the classic stereotypes for my baddie in the film.


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